Year of Water Tiger

People born in the years (1902,1962, 2022)

 by Jennifer Patro L.Ac

Benefits dedicated to my late teacher, Ming and my daughter, Pearl

The Tiger talked about in Chinese Astrology is well known to all Chinese farmers as a very successful predator. Tigers were on the list of common causes of death among early Chinese peasants. Tiger skin aprons were worn by famous Chinese generals as symbols of fearlessness in battle. The Chinese character for Tiger, (HU) was traditionally written on a farmhouse door as an amulet to ward off fire, theft, and illness. People born in Tiger year, month, day, or hour, are naturally attracted to things that have power. Therefore, there will be an interest in power both personally and geopolitically. Tigers are born predators and the energy of the year may escalate quickly if diplomacy is not firmly held to. Pay attention to your own interest in getting your way this year. Power in the form of aggression is seductive.

 Tigers’ native element is Wood. The Wood element takes from Water like a child takes from a mother or Grandmother, (as understood in Five Element Theory). This year’s energy will have a flavor or feeling of obligation to feed, nurture, or teach the younger generation (gen z).  Any work involved the support of children or young people will be personally and financially beneficial. These actions will also create a smooth transition throughout the year.

When a Tiger hunts it prey it uses 150% of its energy for the kill, leaving the Tiger empty and vulnerable to the environment after. A Tiger can literally die from a small thorn after a kill with no energy to pull it out. The Tiger’s stripes cause its nature to be both yin and yang. In balance we can live peacefully and harmoniously. When yin/yang are not in balance we may experience the swing between the two extremes.  Or may feel self-righteous in our opinions and beliefs.

Tigers need to be out in the world then retreat as a form of regaining its strength.  This year will have a similar flow as we will feel compelled to go for what we want in an intense way, leaving us exhausted and deplete. Maintaining regular rest during this year will avoid injury, sickness, and possible death.

The Yin/Yang of the Tiger stripes may also appear as polarizing opinions and disagreements in the world or within ourselves. The balance found in Diplomacy is crucial in avoiding war this year. On an individual level, therapy and selfcare are an antidote for coping. Healing Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Yoga Nidra, as well as Energy work will help ease the fluctuations of your mind and body this year. Regular treatments and self-care will soften the stripes on the Tiger. Body weight may wax and wane by gaining and losing weight throughout the year. Water is big energy and may encourage dramatic and unhealthy habits.  Being consistent with diet, exercise and stretching in order to maintain your weight.

 We could also continue to see extreme weather patterns in the form of a surprise. Replenish your emergency kit, replace canned goods, and invest in a generator if possible. It may be a bumpy year environmentally.

 Tigers require regular praise to maintain relationships and friendships. Over the top flattery expressed to friends, partners, and lovers will get you everything as well as secure bonds over the year.  Otherwise, prideful tiger energy may look elsewhere for their much-needed admiration. Water Tigers are especially restless with their sexual appetite, this may translate to illicit affairs and divorce this year.

Career and money making will happen in bursts and then drops.  When money comes in abundance sack away a portion to prepare for potential lean times. It is a good year to go after that job promotion or change jobs but beware there will be a lag after the high of accomplishment.  Stay the course and all will be well.

The stock market will reach high highs and fall to low lows on the other end.  Hang tight and get comfortable with what could be an uneven year financially.

Water Tigers love to roam.  Traveling will be up this year. That trip to Spain you have been waiting for or a small trip down the coast. Whatever you choose take time to get out of the house for a bit. 

Investing in your health and your family’s wellbeing is a good choice this year. Slow down! There is more chance of injury from reckless qi this year than illness.  Feather your cave, take breaks, or better yet, plan a retreat.

 Your intimate experience this year is indicated by how the Animal and Element for the year, month, day, and hour of your birth dances with the Water Tiger play.  An individual reading offers a personal look at opportunities and obstacles you may encounter this year.

In general, avoid extremes by finding balance in all you do. Take breaks and feel free to get in touch with your wild side!